Creative Writing – Geschichten schreiben im Englischunterricht

Auch dieses Jahr haben sich die Schüler und Schülerinnen der 1a und 1b wieder im Kreativen Schreiben von Geschichten versucht und erstaunliches zu Stande gebracht.

Die GewinnerInnen sind:

1. Leni Cezawa
2. Evangelos Leventis
3. Stephania Manastirska
4. Isabel Prior
5. Timon Amesmann

Platz 1. The crazy costume

von Leni Cezawa

Tom goes to a costume party. He wants the best costume on the party. The boy is trying on many costumes. First he tries in a black ah tans a fake (unecht) mustache (Schnauzbart). Then Tom grabs a brown suitcase, but he is not satisfied (zufrieden) with these things. He looks for his special costume in his box. But Tom sonly finds some boring cat ears, a crown, a necklace, violet boots, a clown hat, a little bag, a Christmas hat, fake glasses, a magic hat and a pink bow tie. He doesn’t want to be a prince or something like that. He wants to be something special. Then the boy has got an idea. Tom wants to be a wizard (Zauberer) with cat ears, a pink bow tie, a necklace, a Christmas hat and violet boots. Now he has got the best costume at the party..

Platz 2. The hero of the day

von Evangelos Leventis

It is beautiful day and Sam is in the park with his friends. Next to them there is an old woman. She is wearing glasses and a scarf. On her finger she has got a ring with a diamond on top of it. Suddenly a thief (Dieb) comes and steals the ring. Sam runs as fast as he can to catch the thief and get the ring back. Sam catches the thief and gives the ring back to the old lady.

Platz 3. A problem with the fancy dress

von Stephania Manastirska

This is Jack. He loves Carnival because he loves costumes. This year Jack and his friends have a cool party, but Jack does not know what costume to wear. This year he wants to be a prince, a cat, and a lady and a wizard be he can only wear one of these costumes. He has got an idea. He is a Cat-King with boots, a mustache, a necklace and a suitcase. Now Jack does not have a problem and is happy.

Platz 4. (Ohne Titel)

von Isabel Prior

Mr. Black is rich, but he does not have nice clothes. His friends say: “Buy nice clothes” one day he goes and buys nice clothes, he goes to very many department stores. He tries on a crown, a hat, and a necklace. But the things were too big or too small, nothing for Mr. Black. Then he thought, “I am beautiful and I do not need nice clothes”

Platz 5. The crazy day!

von Timon Amesmann

Hello, I am the circus director Michael. In the last show, pipi the clown was the attraction. He was in a suitcase. Suddenly he jumped out. He had a fake mustache, red sunglasses, a necklace, high heels, a crown, and a bow tie and a green hat. Pipi locked very funny and crazy.